Meghan Markle feeling sad and disappointed: ‘Feels she didn’t earn the success’

Meghan Markle feeling sad and disappointed: ‘Feels she didn’t earn the success’

Meghan Markle feeling sad and disappointed: ‘Feels she didn’t earn the success’
Meghan Markle feeling sad and disappointed: ‘Feels she didn’t earn the success’

Meghan Markle’s feelings of utter humiliation have just been exposed by insiders who believe the negative backlash from her show is ‘too much’.

An inside source shared this during their interview with Closer magazine.

The conversation featured a number of admissions and saw the source saying, “Meghan’s gone from being on a complete high to feeling crushed and humiliated.”

Back when With Love, Meghan was slated to release the source said, “she was adamant that this would be a pivotal moment for her and truly believed it could turn her into the next Martha Stewart – an opportunity to re-launch her career and boost her image.”

And while “Of course, she was anticipating some negative reaction,” that doesn’t mean that “the backlash she’s received has hurt any less.”

Because right now “she’s devastated,” the insider admitted.

“She has tried to plaster on a smile and cling on to the fact that the show reached the top 10 for a couple of days. But deep down, she knows those ratings would have been from all the intrigue surrounding her, and possibly not a genuine interest in the programme itself,” they concluded as well by noting. 

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