AUSTIN (KXAN) – Austin’s Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Management recommends everyone have a plan to stay prepared in case of a natural disaster.
Meteorologist Tommy House sat down with David Wiechmann, Acting Public Information and Marketing Manager for Austin’s HSEM, to learn more about the resources HSEM offers.
House: What items should viewers gather for a go-bag in case of a natural disaster?
Wiechmann: Well, thank you for having me, and thank you for the question. A lot of people worry about preparedness and what they need to have in case they need to evacuate their home or hunker down during a natural disaster. Some of the key things to have in your kit include a gallon of water per person per day, non-perishable food for everyone in your household, blankets, and hand tools, like a multi-tool.
You also want to include personal documents that are irreplaceable, such as your marriage license, birth certificate, and social security cards. Make sure these are stored in a waterproof bag in case of flooding.
And don’t forget about your pets – make sure you have their leash, collar, a collapsible bowl for water, and their food.
We have great information on our website,, where you can find guidance on what you need in your kit. We also offer downloadable checklists, which you can print and keep handy. You can grab a copy of these checklists at our monthly emergency preparedness pop-up events, held on the third Wednesday of every month. We even have magnetic versions that you can stick on the side of your fridge to easily check what you have in your kit.
As far as your non-perishable food goes, be sure to check the expiration dates regularly. Keep track of when they expire, and when the expiration date is approaching, use it for dinner. On your next grocery run, replace it so your emergency kit stays fresh and ready. We don’t want you to find yourself in an emergency with expired food.
House: Is there a website, app, or specific page people can visit to learn more about all of this?
Wiechmann: Yes! On our website,, you can click on the “Get Prepared” tab. There, we have the four steps of emergency preparedness: Make a plan, build a kit, know your neighbor, and stay informed. If you click on the “Build a Kit” section, it’ll give you all the information you need to create your kit. You can download checklists, as I mentioned. We also give out basic supply kits to the first 25 people who attend our monthly pop-up events. These events are held at public libraries across the city. Our next event will be on February 19 at the Pleasant Hill Branch in District 2. We rotate locations every month so we can visit all 10 city council districts and share important preparedness information and tips with people all around our community.