Jury finds former Clear Creek County sheriff’s deputy guilty in Christian Glass killing

Jury finds former Clear Creek County sheriff’s deputy guilty in Christian Glass killing

Jury finds former Clear Creek County sheriff’s deputy guilty in Christian Glass killing
Christian Glass. (Family photo provided by Rathod Mohamedbhai law firm)

Jurors on Thursday found a former Clear Creek County sheriff’s deputy guilty of criminally negligent homicide in the 2022 killing of Christian Glass.

Andrew Buen could face up to three years in prison on the homicide conviction — much less than the decades behind bars he would have faced had he been convicted of second-degree murder, the charge prosecutors pursued.

Buen was convicted in his second jury trial this month after a previous jury could not reach a verdict on the murder charge in an initial trial in April. Buen was convicted only of reckless endangerment in that first jury trial. This month’s trial was solely on a charge of second-degree murder.

He sat with his head in his hand after the guilty verdict was read Thursday. The jury deliberated for about seven hours before delivering the verdict.

Buen shot and killed Glass on June 10, 2022, after the 22-year-old called 911 for help when his car got stuck on a rock in Clear Creek County. Glass, who had marijuana and amphetamine in his system, was experiencing a mental health crisis and told dispatchers he was afraid of “skinwalkers” and people chasing him.

Seven law enforcement officers responded to Glass’ 911 call and spent more than an hour trying to coax Glass out of the car while he was experiencing delusions and paranoia. Eventually, Buen decided to break Glass’ window and pull him from the vehicle.

When officers broke the window, Glass grabbed a knife and officers fired a Taser at him and shot him with beanbags in an attempt to force him to drop it. Instead, Glass twisted in the driver’s seat and thrust the knife toward an officer standing next to the shattered window behind him, prompting Buen to shoot Glass five times. Glass then stabbed himself several times.

During closing statements Wednesday, prosecutor Joseph Kirwan noted that Glass offered to throw his knives out of the car before the shooting, and Buen told him not to. He said Glass committed no crime and officers had no reason to force their way into his car that night.

“Why? Why did they have to get into the car?” Kirwan said. “To save him? Well, they didn’t save him in this case. They killed him. He killed him.”

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