GOP Rep Shreds CNN Host’s ‘No Evidence of Biden Corruption’ Talking Point in Under a Minute

GOP Rep Shreds CNN Host’s ‘No Evidence of Biden Corruption’ Talking Point in Under a Minute

GOP Rep Shreds CNN Host’s ‘No Evidence of Biden Corruption’ Talking Point in Under a Minute

There’s no evidence Joe Biden enriched himself, say the liberal media. It’s another declaration that quickly got gutted, skinned, and filleted because these people are wrong about everything. It’s becoming amusing as hell. Whenever they take a firm stand like this, be prepared for these folks to be run over with a tank because we saw that happen this week. 

CNN’s Abby Phillip said, “I’m still waiting to see the proof of Joe Biden enriching himself. I take his brother and his son, perhaps.”  No, ma’am. Rep. Mike Lawler (R-NY) destroyed that narrative in less than a minute, going line-by-line about the layers the Biden crime family goes through via their shell companies where Joe Biden finally gets his cut of the takings. It’s an elaborate pipeline, yes, but not one that’s a true brainteaser if the media did their job, which they won’t because they can’t; they’re too incompetent, biased, and perhaps a little mentally challenged: 

 The National Archives finally released photos of Joe palling around with his business partners, who he claims he never met ever (via NY Post):

The National Archives has finally released photos showing then-Vice President Biden meeting with two of first son Hunter Biden’s Chinese government-linked business partners — again proving that the president lied about not interacting with his family’s foreign patrons. 

The cache of photos, released long after their potential political salience and days before Biden retires on Jan. 20, also show Chinese President Xi Jinping grinning as then-Vice President Biden introduced his son during the same December 2013 trip to Beijing. 

The Xi-Hunter Biden encounter, which had not previously garnered much attention, appears to have been at a meal Hunter described in an email to his former associate Devon Archer as “pretty amazing” because his dad and China’s powerful authoritarian leader “were supposed to spend 2hrs together [but it] stretched to 7hrs. I think they are in love.” 

Xi was about two months into his ambitious “Belt and Road” foreign-influence and investment campaign — and a Chinese state-backed company aligned with that vision, BHR Partners, was in the process being co-launched by Hunter. 

The newly released photos, which would have been politically explosive if they were released during the now-closed House impeachment inquiry into alleged Biden family corruption, show the elder Biden shaking hands with incoming BHR Partners CEO Jonathan Li and greeting the company’s managing director Ming Xue. 


A May 2017 email written by Biden family associate James Gilliar penciled in a 10% cut for the “big guy” in reference to Joe Biden and another former family associate, Tony Bobulinski, said he spoke with Joe Biden the same month about the CEFC venture. 

A further $5.1 million flowed directly to entities linked to Hunter and James Biden after Hunter wrote to a CEFC associate in July 2017 that he was “sitting here with my father” and expecting payment. 

The CEFC venture focused in part on Chinese attempts to purchase US natural gas.

The fact that Joe Biden met with his son and brother James Biden’s foreign associates throughout his vice presidency and in the years that followed has been established by witness testimony — including Hunter’s own in February — though the president continued to deny it as he sought re-election. 

Yeah, the National Archives throws a hissy over cocktail napkins and state dinner menus Donald Trump kept at Mar-a-Lago, setting off the FBI’s ransacking of the president-elect’s home in August of 2022. But they’re totally fine hiding damning photos of Joe Biden and his Chinese associates.  

What a crock. Isn’t this the real scandal?

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