OMA hosting virtual town hall on northwestern Ontario health care | CBC News

OMA hosting virtual town hall on northwestern Ontario health care | CBC News

Northwestern Ontario residents can have their say about challenges accessing health care in the region on Tuesday night.

The Ontario Medical Association is hosting a virtual town hall, one of 10 they’re hosting across the north, from 7-8 p.m.

Thunder Bay-Superior North NDP MPP Lise Vaugeois said she’s also been invited to participate in the town hall, which will also include OMA executive vice-president Craig DuHammel.

She said she’s heard plenty of concerns about health care from her constituents.

“Lack of access to primary care providers, whether that’s doctors or nurse practitioners, and concerns about having to pay fees,” Vaugeois said. “Seeing a lot of money transferred to for-profit healthcare corporations.”

“What we’re seeing is the movement of healthcare personnel out of public settings into private settings, making it harder to get access.”

An OMA spokesperson said the organization will use what’s discussed at Tuesday’s town hall to assist with its advocacy efforts at Queen’s Park.

Vaugeois said the OMA is calling people in the region, asking them if they’d like to participate.

However, anyone can join by calling 1-877-229-8493, and entering ID number 120394.

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