Joint Press Statement on the Human Rights and Humanitarian Situation in Myanmar – United States Department of State

Joint Press Statement on the Human Rights and Humanitarian Situation in Myanmar – United States Department of State

The text of the following joint statement was released by the High Representative on behalf of the European Union and the Governments of the United States, Australia, Canada, New Zealand, Norway, the Republic of Korea, Switzerland, Timor-Leste, and the United Kingdom to address the human rights and humanitarian crisis in Myanmar. We are deeply concerned…

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Собор Пресвятой Богородицы 2025: дата, история и традиции, приметы

Собор Пресвятой Богородицы 2025: дата, история и традиции, приметы

На следующий день после Рождества Христова православные христиане отмечают Собор Пресвятой Богородицы. Этот праздник восхваляет Богоматерь и других приближенных к Иисусу Христу святых. «Лента.ру» рассказывает об истории и традициях, приводит молитвы, которые читают в храмах в этот день. Дата Фото: Макаров Алексей / Фотобанк Лори На следующий день после Рождества Христова православные празднуют Собор Пресвятой…

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Anti-Corruption Minister Accused Of Corruption Voluntarily Refers Herself To Ministerial Standards

Anti-Corruption Minister Accused Of Corruption Voluntarily Refers Herself To Ministerial Standards

Tulip Siddiq voluntarily referred herself to the independent adviser on the ministerial code, the prime minister’s spokesperson confirmed today. The anti-corruption minister is alleged to have been involved in brokering a deal in 2013 with Russia for a nuclear power plant in Bangladesh. Billions of pounds are said to have been embezzled in that agreement….

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