Plans progress to open new Tesco shop in Hampshire town

Plans progress to open new Tesco shop in Hampshire town

Plans progress to open new Tesco shop in Hampshire town

The new shop is set to take over the vacant 25-27 Station Road near New Milton train station, which was historically used as Williams Bridge Garage.

Latest documents lodged February 20 proposed to install new signage bearing the Tesco branding and new stacked air conditioning units.

In October 2024, the national supermarket brand submitted a premises licence application for the new store.

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It requested permission to sell alcohol for consumption off the premises between 6am and midnight daily, and provide late night refreshment between 11pm and midnight daily.

The application also listed the opening hours as being 6am to midnight seven days a week.

New documents show that plans are being pushed forward to open the New Milton store, even though there is already a Tesco Express half a mile away on Old Milton Road.

A Tesco spokesperson told Echo’s sister paper Bournemouth Echo in October: “We’re always looking for the best ways to serve local communities and are excited to be planning a new Tesco Express store in New Milton.

“We will keep the local community updated with our plans as we get closer to opening.”

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