A new study by Original Source has found that many Brits are ‘turning to showers’ as a mental boost.
The research revealed that more than a third (36 per cent) of people see the shower as their ‘go-to place for problem-solving and wellbeing’.
One in five (19 per cent) say it helps them solve work problems, while 17 per cent are prompted to burst into song.
The burst of fragrance from a shower gel has become the ‘ultimate productivity hack’ for millions.
More than half (56 per cent) say the scent of a shower gel is its most important element.
Findings reveal the UK workforce is suffering from a ‘nationwide energy crisis’.
A quarter (27 per cent) of workers, more than nine million people, admit it takes them up to two hours to feel fully awake after arriving at work.
This collective energy drain is costing the economy over ’18 million lost work hours every day’.
Londoners are feeling the impact the most, with 17 per cent of the capital’s commuters admitting they take up to two hours to fully wake up at work, surpassing the 14 per cent national average.
To combat this widespread energy slump, Original Source has launched the Morning Mantra Rave, where DJ, producer, and broadcaster Arielle Free took to the decks in a ‘shower-turned-DJ booth’ at King’s Cross Station.
Arielle Free
The ‘high-energy’ pop-up event was aimed at ‘supercharging the weary workforce’ and reminding them that the fragrance in their morning shower is ‘the key to feeling energised, inspired, and mindful.’
Alice Plimmer, Refreshment Lead at Original Source, said: “The UK is in desperate need of an energy boost and more people than ever are turning to their shower gel to get this in the morning.
“It’s clear from our research that a hit of nature really is what gets people up in the morning as 56 per cent of people say that fragrance is their top priority when choosing a shower product.”