Gen Z’s biggest travel icks revealed

Gen Z’s biggest travel icks revealed

Gen Z’s biggest travel icks revealed

Despite growing up in the social media age, filming TikTok and Instagram videos in public took top spot on the ick-list, with one in four Gen Z’ers (26%) reporting travel influencers to be the biggest travel ick.

Equally frowned upon are those that wear culturally inappropriate clothing (26%), highlighting Gen Z’s commitment to respectful and mindful travelling.

The research, commissioned by global hospitality brand GENERATOR, revealed other common icks included overly dramatic airport goodbyes (19%), wearing flip-flops (17%) and rocking tourist merchandise (15%) – because nothing says “I’m a tourist” like an ‘I heart Paris’ hoodie.

Despite Gen Z’s much reported love of social media, the data revealed that there is a line that can be crossed when it comes to capturing cringe-worthy content, with 12% reporting documenting the entire trip on social media as a serious travel ick. This group of youngsters prefer sharing moments that feel genuine and personal, rather than broadcasting every step of their journey for validation.

The conversation around travel icks has also been lighting up social media, with Instagram users and travel influencers weighing in on their biggest pet peeves. 

TikTok user @nicoletravelandlife has posted her five biggest travel icks, including men wearing Speedos and when people start queuing to board the plane before the gate opens.  

@henneytravels posted on Instagram; “I don’t like people with backpacks on their front, I don;t like water bottles” Others have commented about passengers clapping when the plane lands. 

From calling out over-the-top holiday vlogs to debating whether flip-flops should ever be worn on a flight, the comments section is a battleground of travel opinions. Memes and reels mocking ‘ick-worthy’ behaviours have gone viral, proving that for Gen Z, travel etiquette is just as important as the destination itself.”

Surprisingly, some classic travel habits have also reached ick-worthy status in the eyes of Gen Z, including buying food or drinks from global chains (8%), using Duolingo (8%), having a passport cover (7%), checking in luggage for short trips (6%), buying souvenirs (6%), queuing to board the plane (6%), and getting to the airport earlier than necessary (5%).

Gen Z’s travel icks show they’re all about keeping it real nowadays and ditching the cringe. While they’re still big on social media, they’re not here for influencers filming every step of their trip or anyone going over the top with touristy behavior – this generation is all about being mindful and low-key while travelling.

GENERATOR’s Annajane Güzel’s said: “This research shows that Gen Z travellers are rewriting the rules of tourism, favouring authenticity over outdated travel clichés.

“From skipping the dramatic airport send-offs to steering clear of head-to-toe tourist gear, it’s all about embracing the destination in a more thoughtful and effortless way. The message is clear: blend in, travel smart, and leave the obvious ‘tourist’ moves behind.”

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