Mum sent me my Christmas baby so I can enjoy festive season again

Mum sent me my Christmas baby so I can enjoy festive season again

Stephen Parton, from Cranhill, is celebrating the birth of his baby girl Kiara-Rose Parton with his partner Emma McLaughlin, 21.

It comes after he suddenly lost his mother, Mary Parton, 57, six years ago leaving him unable to enjoy this time of year ever since.

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Emma McLaughlin with Christmas baby Kiara-Rose Emma McLaughlin with Christmas baby Kiara-Rose (Image: Gordon Terris) Now he feels like his mum gifted him little Kiara-Rose, to get him back into the spirit by reminding him of the joy and magic.

Stephen said: “Christmas was always my mum’s favourite time of year, but she’s not here anymore so I haven’t enjoyed it since losing her.

“Kiara-Rose being born today was my mum’s way of telling me you need to start celebrating it and find the joy around it again.

“It feels like the best present ever, we are very happy.”

Emma was originally due on December 30th but because of the baby’s size doctors at the Princess Royal Maternity Hospital decided to induce her early.

She started to go into labour at around 9pm with very intense contractions, and just before 2am Kiara-Rose was born weighing 8lb and 6oz. 

Stephen added: “It was been a rough 24 hours but she is here and healthy so we are happy.

 “It was a very quick labour, she had very intense contractions with no breaks.

“Now she is resting and doing really good, it has all been exciting.”

Mum sent me my Christmas baby so I can enjoy festive season againEmma and Stephen have been together for around a year after meeting on TikTok.

Kiara-Rose is Emma’s first baby and Stephen has five other children.

They are now excited to bring their beautiful new baby home and enjoy Christmas with their “best present ever”.

 Garelochhead mum Laurie Breach and dad Duncan with baby OllieGarelochhead mum Laurie Breach and dad Duncan with baby Ollie (Image: Gordon Terris)

Mum with Christmas baby OllieMum with Christmas baby Ollie (Image: Gordon Terris) Meanwhile Garelochhead mum Laurie Breach and dad Duncan also enjoyed a special Christmas with the birth of her baby boy Ollie.

The adorable tot was born at 7.49am at Royal Alexandra Maternity in Paisley weighing 7lb 13oz.

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