A millennial learns to drive a bus in Singapore – on Roblox. What could go wrong?

A millennial learns to drive a bus in Singapore – on Roblox. What could go wrong?

During a recent training session to be a bus driver, I mounted countless kerbs, including when I reversed in the middle of a roundabout… onto another kerb.

I also hit the brakes too late and stopped several metres past the stop line at a traffic junction, before reversing the bus to the correct position. Relax, there were no vehicles behind me.

Then I did a three-point turn that can only be described as a 12-point abomination. (Demerit points, that is.) I backed the bus into some bushes. In my defence, what were the bushes doing there, anyway? 

About the only thing I did right was remember to use my signal indicators whenever I entered and exited the bus bay at bus stops. That made up for me occasionally forgetting to close the front and rear doors before attempting to drive off.

Thankfully, all this happened in the virtual universe of Roblox, an online platform where users can play games created by themselves and others. 

Specifically, I was learning to drive a bus in the fictional town of Bosham – created by the Tower Transit Singapore Roblox (TTSR) community – that simulates actual roads, traffic rules and even a bus depot in Singapore.

So, except for my ego, there were no casualties.


I’m no stranger to video games that simulate everyday occupations, having cut my teeth playing the popular restaurant time management game Diner Dash. 

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