Measles Outbreak: Medical Expert Available to Speak | Newswise

Measles Outbreak: Medical Expert Available to Speak   | Newswise

Armando D. Meza, M.D. Chief of infectious diseases, Texas Tech Physicians of El Paso is available to speak on the measles outbreak affecting Texas and other states in the U.S.

The Texas Department of State Health Services is reporting an outbreak of measles in the South Plains region of Texas. At this time, 48 cases have been identified with symptom starting within the last three weeks. Thirteen of the patients have been hospitalized. All of the cases are unvaccinated or their vaccination status is unknown. Due to the highly contagious nature of this disease, additional cases are likely to occur in Gaines County and the surrounding communities.

In addition, cases have been reported in Alaska, Georgia, New York City, and Rhode Island.

The best way to prevent getting sick is to be immunized with two doses of a vaccine against measles, which is primarily administered as the combination measles-mumps-rubella vaccine. Two doses of the MMR vaccine are highly effective at preventing measles.

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