Review: Batsheva, and a Dance Divided

Review: Batsheva, and a Dance Divided

To attend the return of Batsheva Dance Company to the Brooklyn Academy of Music on Thursday was to have your attention split in several ways. First was the split between the acts of theater happening inside BAM and those happening outside it. Batsheva is the most prominent dance company in Israel. Because of that, and…

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Resisting Oppression With Creativity, Two Ways

Resisting Oppression With Creativity, Two Ways

“It’s after the end of the world. Don’t we know that yet?” The choreographer Angie Pittman said those words onstage Saturday, paraphrasing the Afrofuturist jazz musician Sun Ra. Pittman was performing their solo “Black Life Chord Changes” at BAM Fisher Hillman Studio in Brooklyn on a double bill with “Joan,” a Kyle Marshall quartet inspired…

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Can BAM Be a Trailblazer Again Through A. I.?

Can BAM Be a Trailblazer Again Through A. I.?

“A journalist finds himself in the woods.” Marc Da Costa, a digital artist with a Ph.D. in anthropology, was speaking from the controls of an artificial intelligence-driven video installation at the Onassis Foundation’s ONX Studio, a high-tech media lab in the Olympic Tower in Midtown Manhattan. He was talking to the computer that runs this…

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