Vedanta demerger receives approval from shareholders and creditors

Vedanta demerger receives approval from shareholders and creditors

Vedanta’s proposal to demerge into five independent, sector-focused companies has received overwhelming approval from its shareholders and creditors. According to the company’s stock exchange filing, the demerger was approved by 99.9987% of shareholders, 99.5900% of secured creditors, and 99.9588% of unsecured creditors who voted in favour of the proposal. Under the demerger scheme, every Vedanta…

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Chinese custom or suspicious sale? Judge questions debtor’s sale of house to son for  | CBC News

Chinese custom or suspicious sale? Judge questions debtor’s sale of house to son for $1 | CBC News

After learning Hai Huang and his wife had signed away ownership of their half-million-dollar home to their son for one dollar, the man to whom Huang owed $436,000 had questions. A jury awarded Jian He the money in 2018 after finding Huang had assaulted him, perforating He’s eardrum and causing post-traumatic stress disorder. He has been unable to collect…

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