Diabetes gestacional: O que você precisa saber durante a gravidez | Newswise

السكري الحملي: ما يجب معرفته أثناء الحمل | Newswise

روتشستر، ولاية مينيسوتا — الحمل هو وقت التغيرات الكبيرة في جسم المرأة، حيث تتذبذب مستويات الهرمونات والطاقة وتظهر تحديات كثيرة. وإحدى هذه التحديات التي تواجهها بعض النساء هي السكري الحملي، وهي حالة ترتفع فيها مستويات سكر الدم أثناء الحمل، بحسب سمر ألين، دكتورة في الطب طبيبة صحة الأسرة في مايو كلينك ومقدمة الرعاية السابقة للولادة.

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Diabetes gestacional: O que você precisa saber durante a gravidez | Newswise

Diesel Exhaust Exposure Led to Disarray in Liver Function in Mice | Newswise

BYLINE: Kelsie Sandoval Findings Newswise — UCLA Health researchers have discovered significant changes in liver function following exposure to diesel exhaust in a controlled study involving mice. The study identified disrupted activity in 658 genes and 118 metabolites. These changes led to a higher production of triglycerides, fatty acids, and sugars, largely due to problems with…

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AI for Diabetes Management: Personalized Care and Early Detection | Newswise

AI for Diabetes Management: Personalized Care and Early Detection | Newswise

Newswise — The global incidence and prevalence of diabetes continue to rise, increasing rates of associated disability and mortality while imposing a substantial economic burden. Despite advancements in medical technology, diabetes management faces persistent challenges, including a shortage of specialists, uneven distribution of healthcare resources, and low patient adherence, all contributing to suboptimal glycemic control….

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Diabetes gestacional: O que você precisa saber durante a gravidez | Newswise

Yo-Yo Dieting May Significantly Increase Kidney Disease Risk in People with Type 1 Diabetes | Newswise

Newswise — WASHINGTON—Body-weight cycling (also known as yo-yo dieting) has been shown to significantly increase the risk of kidney disease in people with type 1 diabetes, regardless of body mass index (BMI) and other traditional risk factors, according to a new study published in the Endocrine Society’s Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism. Yo-yo dieting is…

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A Diabetes, Heart Failure, and Kidney Disease Medication is the First of Its Kind to Significantly Reduce Both Heart Attacks and Strokes | Newswise

A Diabetes, Heart Failure, and Kidney Disease Medication is the First of Its Kind to Significantly Reduce Both Heart Attacks and Strokes | Newswise

EMBARGOED UNTIL FEBRUARY 14, 2025 6:30PM EST                 Contact:  Ilana Nikravesh                 Mount Sinai Press Office                  212-241-9200                    [email protected] A Diabetes, Heart Failure, and Kidney Disease Medication is the First of Its Kind to…

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