Precision Diabetes Management: Glucose-Triggered I | Newswise

Precision Diabetes Management: Glucose-Triggered I | Newswise

Newswise — For years, glucose-sensitive membranes have been a key focus for improving controlled insulin release in diabetes treatments. Glucose-sensitive membrane was previously constructed using glucose oxidase (GOD)-based glucose-sensitive materials. GOD-based systems suffer from limited oxygen supply and inactivation by hydrogen peroxide. Phenylboronic acid (PBA), well-known glucose reporter, exhibits higher reliability compared with GOD. Unfortunately,…

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People From Some Racial and Ethnic Groups May Face | Newswise

People From Some Racial and Ethnic Groups May Face | Newswise

BYLINE: Enrique Rivero Newswise — Asians, non-Hispanic Blacks and Hispanics were significantly less likely than whites to use obesity-management medications to lower their weight compared with whites, new research suggests. The differences could not be fully explained by income or education level, health insurance coverage or clinical need. The study, published in the peer-reviewed Journal…

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Killing Two Birds with One Stone | Newswise

Killing Two Birds with One Stone | Newswise

Newswise — The team led by Dr. May Faraj, Professor of Nutrition at Université de Montréal and Director of the Nutrition, Lipoproteins and Cardiometabolic Diseases Research Unit at the Montréal Clinical Research Institute (IRCM), sheds new light on the role of marine-source omega-3 supplementation in treating adipose tissue inflammation and reducing the risk for cardiometabolic…

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Killing Two Birds with One Stone | Newswise

Edible Bird’s Nest-Infused Beverage: A New Weapon in the Fight Against Hypertension | Newswise

Newswise — As consumer demand for functional foods rises, powdered drink mixes (PDMs) have gained popularity due to their convenience and health benefits. This shift reflects an increasing preference for plant-based or specialty beverages addressing dietary concerns like lactose intolerance and calorie control. Low-glycemic foods are especially valued for managing blood glucose levels and enhancing…

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