Saskatchewan provincial government responds to drug crisis in Saskatoon  |

Saskatchewan provincial government responds to drug crisis in Saskatoon |

The Provincial Emergency Operations Centre (PEOC) is being activated to enhance the response to the toxic drug crisis in Saskatoon. A drug alert issued on Wednesday by the Saskatchewan Ministry of Health said, “The Saskatoon Fire Department continues to report high overdose rates …responding to 67 overdoses and one suspicious death in 72 hours.” Prairie…

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Saskatchewan provincial government responds to drug crisis in Saskatoon  |

Drug superlabs leave a toxic mess. Some say B.C.’s cleanup rules are a mess, too |

When Dean May’s team of cleaners entered the home, dressed head to toe in protective suits, thick green dust covered every surface. “We literally left footprints when we were walking in the house,” he recalled. They were traipsing through the toxic remnants of an illicit fentanyl pill-pressing operation in northern British Columbia three or four…

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