Minister says end of Liberal-NDP alliance unlikely to impact Indigenous issues | CBC News

Minister says end of Liberal-NDP alliance unlikely to impact Indigenous issues | CBC News

Will the end of the Liberal-NDP alliance make for a feistier partisan atmosphere on Indigenous issues in the House of Commons this fall? Gary Anandasangaree doesn’t think so. “I like to think that reconciliation is a non-partisan issue,” said the Liberal minister of Crown-Indigenous Relations in a sit-down interview this week on Parliament Hill in…

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One of the military’s simplest procurement projects is being tied down by red tape | CBC News

One of the military’s simplest procurement projects is being tied down by red tape | CBC News

Despite facing heavy pressure to ramp up military spending, the Department of National Defence (DND) has slow-rolled one of the least complex of its vehicle replacement programs. The light utility vehicle program has been on the books for several years. Its purpose is to update the military’s fleet of two-decade-old Afghan war-era Mercedes G-Wagons and civilian-grade utility…

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