Single 5-nm quantum dot detection via microtoroid  | Newswise

Single 5-nm quantum dot detection via microtoroid | Newswise

Newswise — The detection of individual particles and molecules has opened new horizons in analytical chemistry, cellular imaging, nanomaterials, and biomedical diagnostics. Traditional single-molecule detection methods rely heavily on fluorescence techniques, which require labeling of the target molecules. In contrast, photothermal microscopy has emerged as a promising label-free, non-invasive imaging technique. This method measures localized…

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No power, no operator, no problem: Argonne test facility simulates nuclear reactors to explore next-generation nuclear safety systems

No power, no operator, no problem: Argonne test facility simulates nuclear reactors to explore next-generation nuclear safety systems

Newswise — To create safe and efficient nuclear reactors, designers and regulators need reliable data consistent with real-world observation. A facility at the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) Argonne National Laboratory simulates aspects of a nuclear reactor under a wide range of conditions to accelerate the development of next-generation reactors and safety systems. Next-generation nuclear energy is…

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Coatings manufacturer and ORNL partner Flexcon licenses self-healing film technology

Coatings manufacturer and ORNL partner Flexcon licenses self-healing film technology

Newswise — Flexcon Global has exclusively licensed two patented inventions to manufacture a self-healing barrier film from the Department of Energy’s Oak Ridge National Laboratory for research and development purposes. The film can be incorporated into vacuum insulation panels to increase the efficiency of buildings during retrofits.  Flexcon, based in Spencer, Massachusetts, provides coatings, film…

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Multispectral Smart Window: A Step Towards Healthi | Newswise

Multispectral Smart Window: A Step Towards Healthi | Newswise

Newswise — Windows, the vital conduits between indoor spaces and the external environment, also serve as primary entry points for harmful light waves and electromagnetic (EM) waves. However, managing light transmission and scattering typically requires different material systems and devices. Additionally, a critical aspect often overlooked in smart window technology is EM modulation. Therefore, windows…

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Texas Tech Professor Receives Grant for Printable  | Newswise

Texas Tech Professor Receives Grant for Printable | Newswise

BYLINE: Lacy Oliver Newswise — Minxiang “Glenn” Zeng, an assistant professor in the Department of Chemical Engineering at Texas Tech University, has been awarded a $250,000 grant from the Launching Early-Career Academic Pathways in the Mathematical and Physical Sciences (LEAPS-MPS) award from the National Science Foundation (NSF) to further his research about printable semiconductors and…

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Atoms in advanced alloys find preferred neighbors  | Newswise

Atoms in advanced alloys find preferred neighbors | Newswise

BYLINE: Jamie Oberdick Newswise — UNIVERSITY PARK, Pa. — A discovery that uncovered the surprising way atoms arrange themselves and find their preferred neighbors in multi-principal element alloys (MPEA) could enable engineers to “tune” these unique and useful materials for enhanced performance in specific applications ranging from advanced power plants to aerospace technologies, according to…

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Argonne, Purdue University explore collaborations to advance next-generation microelectronics

Argonne, Purdue University explore collaborations to advance next-generation microelectronics

Newswise — From the artificial intelligence explosion to the growing reliance on data-hungry devices like smartphones and tablets, the demand for microelectronics — the tiny silicon components that power these innovations — is soaring. To meet this need, next-generation microelectronics need to be smaller, faster, more powerful and more energy efficient. But breakthroughs won’t happen…

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