Physical Activity Boosts Mental Health in Women With Chronic Pelvic Pain Disorders | Newswise

Physical Activity Boosts Mental Health in Women With Chronic Pelvic Pain Disorders | Newswise

Newswise — New York, NY [February 26, 2025]— A new Mount Sinai study provides compelling evidence that exercise can significantly help the mental well-being of millions of women living with chronic pelvic pain disorders (CPPDs), such as endometriosis and uterine fibroids. The researchers at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai found that activities…

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Special Type of Fat Tissue Could Promote Healthful Longevity and Help Maintain Exercise Capacity in Aging | Newswise

Yo-Yo Dieting May Significantly Increase Kidney Disease Risk in People with Type 1 Diabetes | Newswise

Newswise — WASHINGTON—Body-weight cycling (also known as yo-yo dieting) has been shown to significantly increase the risk of kidney disease in people with type 1 diabetes, regardless of body mass index (BMI) and other traditional risk factors, according to a new study published in the Endocrine Society’s Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism. Yo-yo dieting is…

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Hawkin Dynamics and Kansas University’s Jayhawk Performance Partner to Educate and Shape the Future with Fun, Form, Function, and Data

 | Newswise

Hawkin Dynamics and Kansas University’s Jayhawk Performance Partner to Educate and Shape the Future with Fun, Form, Function, and Data | Newswise

Newswise — Jan. 28, 2025- Today, Hawkin Dynamics, an innovative, venture-backed pioneer in the sports and physical rehabilitation technology sector, announced a partnership with Kansas University’s Jayhawk Performance youth strength and conditioning research program, housed within the Well-Fit Center and aligned with the Jayhawk Athletic Performance Laboratory, a member of the Wu Tsai Human Performance…

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Special Type of Fat Tissue Could Promote Healthful Longevity and Help Maintain Exercise Capacity in Aging | Newswise

Saunas are good for your health | Newswise

Newswise — Going to the sauna offers the prospect of a cozy wooden space, where both mind and body can shelter from the pressures of daily life. The enjoyable aspects of this centuries-old ancestral practice have are known around the world. Now scientists have confirmed what tradition has long held to be true: the benefits…

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Special Type of Fat Tissue Could Promote Healthful Longevity and Help Maintain Exercise Capacity in Aging | Newswise

سبب عدم الالتزام بالكثير من قرارات العام الجديد | Newswise

تقول صفية ديبار الحاصلة على بكالوريوس الطب والجراحة والطبيبة العامة والخبيرة في مجال المرونة في مايو كلينك هيلثكير في لندن إن هناك سببًا لعدم الالتزام بالكثير من قرارات العام الجديد والأهداف الأخرى التي لا نحققها، ومن الممكن أن يكون له التأثير على أفكارنا وأفعالنا دون دراية منا. إذا كنت تواجه صعوبة في تحقيق أهدافك في…

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