INL’s Enduring Mission: How High-Flux Thermal Irradiation Testing Became a Foundation for US Nuclear Leadership | Newswise

INL’s enduring mission: How high-flux thermal irradiation testing became a foundation for US nuclear leadership | Newswise

Seventy-five years ago, the sweeping landscape of the Idaho desert over the Snake River Aquifer was a land of sagebrush, brown grass and lava rock. Today, the desert site facilities of Idaho National Laboratory are still home to sagebrush, brown grass and lava rock but also to of some of the world’s most cutting-edge nuclear…

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TRIPWIRE: Leading the Way for Radiation Detection | Newswise

Research partnership: Bridging innovation through | Newswise

BYLINE: Emi Walker Newswise — Collaboration between Idaho National Laboratory and universities are more than practical arrangements; they’re the backbone of innovation. As Alexander Graham Bell wisely observed, “Great discoveries and improvements invariably involve the cooperation of many minds.” These partnerships blend diverse perspectives to address global challenges like energy, climate change and health care….

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Supporting International Partners in Aviation Cybersecurity | Newswise

Supporting International Partners in Aviation Cybersecurity | Newswise

Newswise — As companies worldwide switch from analog to automated digital industrial control systems, malicious cyber actors are finding new opportunities for extortion and mayhem. It’s happening in a range of industrial settings, from power stations to manufacturing plants, and it’s a growing problem in the aviation industry. In January, aircraft leasing giant AerCap Holdings…

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New eyes on nuclear: Technology industry reps, investment bankers visit INL to learn about financing opportunities, risks | Newswise

New eyes on nuclear: Technology industry reps, investment bankers visit INL to learn about financing opportunities, risks | Newswise

Newswise — The future promises big advances in machine learning and artificial intelligence, and corporate America is once again eyeing nuclear energy. The interest reflects a growing awareness on Wall Street and in Silicon Valley that nuclear could be the best way to get consistent, carbon-free electricity to energy-hungry data centers. Representatives from such multibillion-dollar…

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