Câncer de rim: Entendendo o que significa um diagnóstico de carcinoma de células renais | Newswise

Câncer de rim: Entendendo o que significa um diagnóstico de carcinoma de células renais | Newswise

Newswise — ROCHESTER, Minnesota — O carcinoma de células renais é a forma mais comum de câncer de rim. Pode-se levar um tempo para processar completamente um diagnóstico e entender o que ele realmente significa. Desenvolver uma boa compreensão da sua doença — e especialmente do processo diagnóstico — pode ajudá-lo a estabelecer expectativas realistas e a participar…

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Cáncer de riñón: Entendiendo qué significa un diagnóstico de carcinoma de células renales | Newswise

Cáncer de riñón: Entendiendo qué significa un diagnóstico de carcinoma de células renales | Newswise

Newswise — ROCHESTER, Minnesota — El carcinoma de células renales es la forma más común de cáncer de riñón. Se puede tomar un tiempo para procesar completamente un diagnóstico y comprender lo que realmente significa. Desarrollar una buena comprensión de su enfermedad, y especialmente del proceso de diagnóstico, puede ayudarlo a establecer expectativas realistas y a participar activamente…

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Joint Statement From Asn, Era, and Isn: Announcing the Asn-Era-Isn Kidney
Support Initiative | Newswise

Joint Statement From Asn, Era, and Isn: Announcing the Asn-Era-Isn Kidney Support Initiative | Newswise

Newswise — The leadership of the American Society of Nephrology (ASN), the European Renal Association (ERA), and the International Society of Nephrology (ISN) launched the ASN-ERA-ISN Kidney Support Initiative in December 2023. With representatives from all three societies, and coordinated by ERA, the initiative includes: Representatives from ASN• Volunteer ASN: Professor Jeffrey I. Silberzweig, MD,…

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Joint Statement From Asn, Era, and Isn: Announcing the Asn-Era-Isn Kidney
Support Initiative | Newswise

Yo-Yo Dieting May Significantly Increase Kidney Disease Risk in People with Type 1 Diabetes | Newswise

Newswise — WASHINGTON—Body-weight cycling (also known as yo-yo dieting) has been shown to significantly increase the risk of kidney disease in people with type 1 diabetes, regardless of body mass index (BMI) and other traditional risk factors, according to a new study published in the Endocrine Society’s Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism. Yo-yo dieting is…

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A Diabetes, Heart Failure, and Kidney Disease Medication is the First of Its Kind to Significantly Reduce Both Heart Attacks and Strokes | Newswise

A Diabetes, Heart Failure, and Kidney Disease Medication is the First of Its Kind to Significantly Reduce Both Heart Attacks and Strokes | Newswise

EMBARGOED UNTIL FEBRUARY 14, 2025 6:30PM EST                 Contact:  Ilana Nikravesh                 Mount Sinai Press Office                  212-241-9200                    [email protected] A Diabetes, Heart Failure, and Kidney Disease Medication is the First of Its Kind to…

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Joint Statement From Asn, Era, and Isn: Announcing the Asn-Era-Isn Kidney
Support Initiative | Newswise

Increased Cancer Risk for Kidney Transplant Recipients Linked to Epstein-Barr Virus | Newswise

Newswise — PHILADELPHIA— More than 90% of the adult population in the U.S. is or has been infected with Epstein Barr virus (EBV). EBV is a highly contagious member of the herpes virus family, best known for causing infectious mononucleosis (“mono”) and for its association with several cancers and autoimmune diseases. Kidney transplant patients who’ve…

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Cancer Vaccine Shows Promise for Patients with Stage III and IV Kidney Cancer | Newswise

Cancer Vaccine Shows Promise for Patients with Stage III and IV Kidney Cancer | Newswise

Newswise — Boston – Dana-Farber Cancer Institute researchers report that all nine patients in a clinical trial being treated for stage III or IV clear cell renal cell carcinoma (a form of kidney cancer), generated a successful anti-cancer immune response after initiation of a personalized cancer vaccine. The vaccines were administered after surgery to remove…

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Joint Statement From Asn, Era, and Isn: Announcing the Asn-Era-Isn Kidney
Support Initiative | Newswise

Phase 2 LITESPARK-003 Results Suggest Continued Study of Novel First-Line Combo for Advanced Kidney Cancer | Newswise

RESEARCH SUMMARY Newswise — Study Title: Belzutifan plus cabozantinib as first-line treatment for patients with advanced clear-cell renal cell carcinoma (LITESPARK-003): an open-label, single-arm, phase 2 study Publication: The Lancet Oncology – January 2025 Dana-Farber Cancer Institute authors: Toni K. Choueiri, MD Summary: In the open-label phase 2 LITESPARK-003 study, led by Dana-Farber Cancer Institute’s…

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Hackensack University Medical Center Launches Educational Website for People with Kidney Cancer
 | Newswise

Hackensack University Medical Center Launches Educational Website for People with Kidney Cancer | Newswise

Newswise — Members of the Department of Urology at Hackensack University Medical Center have launched the Kidney Cancer Resource Center, an online educational tool for people diagnosed with renal cell carcinoma, a type of kidney cancer. The website provides information to help them better understand the disease and make treatment decisions based on the findings…

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