A New Way to Engineer Composite Materials

A New Way to Engineer Composite Materials

BYLINE: Rachel Berkowitz Newswise — Composite adhesives like epoxy resins are excellent tools for joining and filling materials including wood, metal, and concrete. But there’s one problem: once a composite sets, it’s there forever. Now there’s a better way. Researchers have developed a simple polymer that serves as a strong and stable filler that can…

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一种可存储可重写 3D 图案的新型光致变色玻璃 | Newswise

一种可存储可重写 3D 图案的新型光致变色玻璃 | Newswise

Newswise — 在不通电的情况下,玻璃具有将信息长期甚至无限期保存的潜力。因此数十年来,研究人员一直在探索将数据存储在玻璃中的方法。一种称为光致变色玻璃的特殊材料能够在不同波长下呈现不同颜色,有望用于实现稳定、可重复使用的数据存储。研究人员近期开发出一种掺杂光致变色玻璃,有望无限期存储可重写数据。该研究发表在 ACS Energy Letters 上。 某些眼镜暴露于日光波长下时变暗,在室内未暴露于日光时恢复无色。该过程称为可逆光致变色。与之类似,另一些光致变色玻璃会在不同波长的光下呈现不同的颜色。因而,当要在狭小的空间内存储大量信息时,这种廉价、稳定的材料就成为了极具吸引力的载体。然而,使用光致变色玻璃存储数据所面临的挑战不仅在于将信息写入其中,还在于如何无限地擦除和重写信息。近日,廖佳燕 (Jiayan Liao)、周济 (Ji Zhou)、杨正文 (Zhengwen Yang) 及其多学科团队通过在光致变色硅酸盐玻璃上构建可逆、可控制的图案,在这一方向上取得了新进展。 团队首先采用掺杂 3D 直写光刻工艺设计了一种镁和铽改性镓硅酸盐玻璃。Liao 及其团队使用波长为 532 纳米的绿激光在一小块掺杂玻璃上刻入了 3D 图案。错综复杂的图案、随机点、符号、二维码、几何棱镜,乃至小鸟,在透明玻璃中呈紫色,而在特定波长下激发时会变成其他颜色。铽在 376 纳米的深紫外激光激发下发绿光,而镁在 417 纳米蓝紫激光激发下发红光。为进一步在不改变玻璃结构的情况下完全抹去图案,研究团队将其加热到 1022 华氏度(550 摄氏度),持续 25 分钟。 此外,研究人员认为,镁和铽的使用具有突破性意义。因为这二者可以在截然不同的波长下发光,使得从单一材料上读取可控制、多色的 3D 图案成为可能。这一新方法可以用于工业、学术和军事领域,实现高容量、稳定的 3D 光学存储和加密。 作者感谢国家自然科学基金、云南省西南联合研究生院科技项目、国家自然科学基金云南联合基金重点项目、国家自然科学基金高端外国专家引进计划、云南省切尔卡索娃·塔蒂亚娜院士专家工作站、云南省重大科技专项计划、发光材料的制备与性能控制及其在高原农业中的应用、悉尼科技大学校长研究奖学金计划和澳大利亚国家卫生与医学研究理事会。 ### 美国化学学会 (ACS) 是一家非营利组织,成立于 1876 年,由美国国会特许成立。ACS 致力于运用化学的力量改善人民的生活。其以推动科学知识进步、赋能全球社区、捍卫科学诚信为使命。愿景是建立一个以科学为基础的世界。ACS 通过丰富的研究解决方案、同行评审期刊、科学会议、电子书籍和每周新闻期刊 Chemical & Engineering News,在促进卓越科学教育和提供化学相关信息和研究方面处于全球领先地位。ACS 期刊是被引用次数最多、最值得信赖、阅读次数最多的科学出版物之一,但 ACS 本身并不进行化学研究。作为科学信息解决方案领域的领导者,其 CAS 部门与全球创新者合作,通过整理、连接和分析全球科学知识,共同推进科学突破。ACS总部位于华盛顿特区和俄亥俄州哥伦布市。…

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Self-Driving Lab Transforms Materials Discovery

Self-Driving Lab Transforms Materials Discovery

BYLINE: Amber Rose Newswise — Argonne researchers use Polybot, an AI-driven automated material laboratory, to produce high-conductivity, low-defect electronic polymer thin films. Plastic that conducts electricity might sound impossible. But there is a special class of materials known as ​“electronic polymers” that combines the flexibility of plastic with the functionality of metal. This type of material…

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ETRI to Collaborate on Semiconductor Technology with US Argonne National Laboratory | Newswise

ETRI to Collaborate on Semiconductor Technology with US Argonne National Laboratory | Newswise

Newswise — Korean researchers will begin collaborating in earnest with the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) Argonne National Laboratory (ANL) on semiconductor technology research. Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI) announced on Jan. 6 (local time) that it has agreed to establish a mutual cooperation system to develop semiconductor technologies with Argonne National Laboratory in…

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Highly Elastic, Permeable Liquid Metal–Iron Fibre Mat Conductor for Electrophysiological Monitoring | Newswise

Highly Elastic, Permeable Liquid Metal–Iron Fibre Mat Conductor for Electrophysiological Monitoring | Newswise

Newswise — With the rapid advancement of wearable technologies, the mechanical properties of stretchable electronics have greatly improved, driving the development of robust electronic interfaces for sensing and stimulation. This progress has expanded the range of applications, particularly in health monitoring, human-machine interfaces, and robotic prosthetics. However, despite these advancements, designing stretchable conductors that simultaneously…

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Novel Molten Metal Catalysts for CO2-Free Hydrogen Production | Newswise

Novel Molten Metal Catalysts for CO2-Free Hydrogen Production | Newswise

Newswise — Researchers in South Korea have developed an advanced liquid metal catalyst incorporating selenium (Se) to enhance the efficiency of turquoise hydrogen production. Turquoise hydrogen is generated via methane (CH₄) pyrolysis, producing hydrogen while yielding solid carbon as a byproduct, without emitting carbon dioxide (CO₂). A research team led by Dr. Seung Ju Han…

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Pioneering a New Direction for Semiconductor Etching Ceramics! | Newswise

Pioneering a New Direction for Semiconductor Etching Ceramics! | Newswise

Newswise — Dr. Ho Jin Ma’s research team from the Nano Materials Research Division at the Korea Institute of Materials Science (KIMS), in collaboration with Professor Jeong-Woo Lee’s research team from Pusan National University, has successfully developed a groundbreaking new composition and processing technology for transparent plasma-resistant high-entropy ceramics. This innovation is the first of…

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