‘Crime pays’: Victim astonished at early release of disgraced P.E.I. funeral director | CBC News

‘Crime pays’: Victim astonished at early release of disgraced P.E.I. funeral director | CBC News

Lowell Oakes, a former P.E.I. funeral director convicted of defrauding clients out of money for pre-paid funerals, is out on parole, and one of his victims says the tiny community of Crapaud is in shock. “I couldn’t believe it,” said Debbie Matters. “Here’s someone who has stolen over $425,000 from friends and neighbours, including my…

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Видатки загального фонду держбюджету в серпні становили 286,2 мільярда гривень

Видатки загального фонду держбюджету в серпні становили 286,2 мільярда гривень

За січень — серпень 2024 року загальна сума касових видатків загального фонду державного бюджету становила 2,1 трлн грн, що на 206,5 млрд грн, або на 10,9%, більше порівняно з аналогічним періодом торік. Зокрема в серпні було витрачено 286,2 млрд грн. Про це свідчать дані місячної звітності Державної казначейської служби України від 13 вересня 2024 року….

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The moment the Monster of Avignon’s wife has dreaded: Graphic images of her rape are shown in hushed silence – after her daughter leaves courtroom – as her ‘abusers’ plead they are innocent victims

The moment the Monster of Avignon’s wife has dreaded: Graphic images of her rape are shown in hushed silence – after her daughter leaves courtroom – as her ‘abusers’ plead they are innocent victims

Graphic images of the rape of Gisele Pelicot were shown to the courtroom in Avignon as she bravely took the stand in a trial that continues to rock France. Dominique Pelicot, 71, had testified on Tuesday that he had drugged and raped his wife, and accused the dozens of men facing charges alongside him of active…

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Legault wants Bloc to help trigger election, vote against Trudeau Liberals in non-confidence motion | CBC News

Legault wants Bloc to help trigger election, vote against Trudeau Liberals in non-confidence motion | CBC News

Quebec’s premier appears to want a federal election to take place sooner rather than later. In a brief statement to reporters at the National Assembly on Thursday, Legault expressed his disagreement with the Bloc Québécois’s decision to support Justin Trudeau’s Liberal minority government in a non-confidence motion that is expected next week.  For months, Legault said, he’s…

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Senior civil servants at provincial, territorial level invited to seek top secret clearance | CBC News

Senior civil servants at provincial, territorial level invited to seek top secret clearance | CBC News

Canada’s senior public servant has invited his provincial and territorial counterparts to apply for top secret-level security clearance as a way of fostering “healthy, transparent dialogue” on foreign interference and other threats. In a July 11 letter to the heads of public services across the country, John Hannaford, clerk of the Privy Council, said that…

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Thomas Hamp testifies he stabbed Emily Sanche to save her from attacks by ‘secret police’ | CBC News

Thomas Hamp testifies he stabbed Emily Sanche to save her from attacks by ‘secret police’ | CBC News

Warning: this story contains distressing details. Thomas Hamp testified Wednesday that he fatally stabbed his girlfriend Emily Sanche two years ago while he was in the throes of a delusion that he was under surveillance by secret police. The 27-year-old testified that he believed at the time it was “merciful” to stab Sanche because she was going to…

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