Yukon gov’t fires back at former Victoria Gold official over Eagle mine response | CBC News

Yukon gov’t fires back at former Victoria Gold official over Eagle mine response | CBC News

The Yukon government is firing back at a former Victoria Gold official who’s accused the territory of having a double standard around the response to the Eagle mine heap leach failure earlier this summer. In a letter to the Yukon News last week, Nico Harvey — former manager of engineering for Victoria Gold’s Eagle mine — said the territorial government…

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B.C. must boost oversight of old growth on Quadra Island, forests watchdog says | CBC News

B.C. must boost oversight of old growth on Quadra Island, forests watchdog says | CBC News

Conservationists are sounding the alarm over dwindling old-growth forests on an island off British Columbia’s South Coast — and a new report backs up their concerns.  B.C.’s Forest Practices Board says without improvements to how forests on Quadra Island are managed, the remaining old growth there may not survive. The board’s investigation started after the…

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One of the military’s simplest procurement projects is being tied down by red tape | CBC News

One of the military’s simplest procurement projects is being tied down by red tape | CBC News

Despite facing heavy pressure to ramp up military spending, the Department of National Defence (DND) has slow-rolled one of the least complex of its vehicle replacement programs. The light utility vehicle program has been on the books for several years. Its purpose is to update the military’s fleet of two-decade-old Afghan war-era Mercedes G-Wagons and civilian-grade utility…

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5 months in, no applicants for Alberta program offering partial credit for partial oil well cleanup | CBC News

5 months in, no applicants for Alberta program offering partial credit for partial oil well cleanup | CBC News

Landowner resistance seems to have quashed an Alberta government pilot program offering energy companies partial recognition for well site cleanup that isn’t complete. “We’ve been telling all the landowners it’s a horrible idea,” said Daryl Bennett of the Alberta Surface Rights Federation, which represents landowners. Bennett said landowners are increasingly concerned the province plans to…

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