Verified superb condition of the KSTAR Superconduc | Newswise

Verified superb condition of the KSTAR Superconduc | Newswise

Newswise — The Korea Institute of Fusion Energy (KFE) announced that they have experimentally verified that KSTAR’s superconducting magnets maintain maximum performance even after 16 years of continuous operation. KSTAR’s superconducting magnets are composed of bundles of 0.8 mm superconducting wires, each coated with a 2-micrometer-thick layer of chromium to ensure insulation. However, with repeated…

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Trailblazers in Plasma Turbulence Computer Simulations Win 2024 James Clerk Maxwell Prize

Trailblazers in Plasma Turbulence Computer Simulations Win 2024 James Clerk Maxwell Prize

Newswise — A pair of physicists with long ties to PPPL are being honored for their foundational work on turbulence in plasma. Understanding why instabilities occur and how to limit them is critical to perfecting fusion as a stable energy source for the electrical grid.  Greg Hammett, a PPPL theoretical and computational principal research physicist,…

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Can pigeons guide missiles? Can dead trout swim? Ig Nobels celebrate weirdest research | CBC Radio

Can pigeons guide missiles? Can dead trout swim? Ig Nobels celebrate weirdest research | CBC Radio

As It Happens6:00Can pigeons guide missiles? Can dead trout swim? Ig Nobels celebrate weirdest research The man who first documented homosexual necrophilia between two mallard ducks stood at a podium on Thursday in front of a panel of revered Nobel laureates, and held up the taxidermied remains of the befouled fowl in question. “This is…

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How Hamilton students mapped lava tubes in Iceland using a drone named Canary | CBC News

How Hamilton students mapped lava tubes in Iceland using a drone named Canary | CBC News

A McMaster University research team says despite rain and colder-than-expected weather, their expedition to Iceland was a success and they were able to map lava tubes with the drone-mounted system they developed. As CBC Hamilton reported in July, the McMaster Deep-space Analogue Research Expedition (DARE) team spent a year planning an expedition to unnamed lava…

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Neutral Atom Innovations by Quantum Systems Accelerator Mark Quantum Computing Milestones

Neutral Atom Innovations by Quantum Systems Accelerator Mark Quantum Computing Milestones

Newswise — Before quantum computers can solve complex problems, researchers must develop technologies that manage larger numbers of qubits (the building blocks of quantum computers) for extended periods. Neutral atoms play an important role in this effort and are promising for quantum computing because they offer a stable, controllable, and scalable platform for building qubits…

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The world’s fastest single-shot 2D imaging techn | Newswise

The world’s fastest single-shot 2D imaging techn | Newswise

Newswise — Candle flames and airplane engines produce tiny soot particles from polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) as their precursors, both of which are harmful to humans and environment. These carbon-based particles are also common in space, making up 10-12% of interstellar matter, and are becoming valuable for use in electronic devices and sustainable energy. However,…

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