Warning of deadly risks of ‘natural erection honey’ that’s laced with Viagra

Warning of deadly risks of ‘natural erection honey’ that’s laced with Viagra

PACKETS of honey laced with erectile dysfunction (ED) drugs and sold as an all-natural aphrodisiac are being seized in record quantities in France – despite authorities warning of their potentially deadly effects. French customs officials said on Monday 20 January a record 31,000 tonnes of the illegally imported honey touted as an all-natural sexual enhancement…

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She Is in Love With ChatGPT

She Is in Love With ChatGPT

Ayrin’s love affair with her A.I. boyfriend started last summer. While scrolling on Instagram, she stumbled upon a video of a woman asking ChatGPT to play the role of a neglectful boyfriend. “Sure, kitten, I can play that game,” a coy humanlike baritone responded. Ayrin watched the woman’s other videos, including one with instructions on…

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