Energy-efficient cooling thanks to ionic wind | Newswise

Energy-efficient cooling thanks to ionic wind | Newswise

Data centers consume vast amounts of energy – around 40 percent of it for cooling microprocessors alone. Novel cooling methods using ionic wind could drastically curb energy consumption. These are based on electrostatic fields to convert electrical current directly and energy-efficiently into an airflow. The low speeds of the generated airflow have so far prevented…

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Concrete as a carbon store  | Newswise

Concrete as a carbon store | Newswise

In order to reduce the CO₂ concentration in the atmosphere to the target level of 1988 – i.e. to 350 ppm (parts per million) – an estimated 400 billion tons of carbon must be removed from the atmosphere. This is a huge amount, equivalent to around 1,500 billion tons of CO₂. Empa researchers have now…

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The biobattery that needs to be fed | Newswise

The biobattery that needs to be fed | Newswise

Fungi are a source of fascination. This kingdom of life – more closely related to animals than to plants – encompasses an enormous variety. Everything can be found here: from edible mushrooms to molds, from single-celled life to the largest organism on Earth, from disease-causing pathogens to superheroes that produce medicines. Now, Empa researchers have…

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A keener eye for the invisible | Newswise

A keener eye for the invisible | Newswise

What do motion detectors, self-driving cars, chemical analyzers and satellites have in common? They all contain detectors for infrared (IR) light. At their core and besides readout electronics, such detectors usually consist of a crystalline semiconductor material. Such materials are challenging to manufacture: They often require extreme conditions, such as a very high temperature, and…

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