Illuminating the proton’s inner workings | Newswise

Illuminating the proton’s inner workings | Newswise

Scientists have now mapped the forces acting inside a proton, showing in unprecedented detail how quarks—the tiny particles within—respond when hit by high-energy photons. The international team includes experts from the University of Adelaide who are exploring the structure of sub-atomic matter to try and provide further insight into the forces that underpin the natural…

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World’s oldest 3D map discovered | Newswise

World’s oldest 3D map discovered | Newswise

BYLINE: Lara Pacillo Researchers have discovered what may be the world’s oldest three-dimensional map, located within a quartzitic sandstone megaclast in the Paris Basin. The Ségognole 3 rock shelter, known since the 1980s for its artistic engravings of two horses in a Late Palaeolithic style on either side of a female pubic figuration, has now…

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Large Hadron Collider regularly makes magic | Newswise

Large Hadron Collider regularly makes magic | Newswise

A brotherly research duo has discovered that when the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) produces top quarks – the heaviest known fundamental particles – it regularly creates a property known as magic. This finding, published in Physical Review D, has implications for the progression of quantum computing, with magic being a measure that describes how difficult a…

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