Study on New Telerehabilitation Stroke Therapy Model Led by UTHealth Houston for Underserved Community in the Texas Rio Grande Valley | Newswise

Study on New Telerehabilitation Stroke Therapy Model Led by UTHealth Houston for Underserved Community in the Texas Rio Grande Valley | Newswise

Newswise — A new at-home telerehabilitation care service for stroke patients will be offered to residents of Cameron County in the Texas Rio Grande Valley as part of a randomized clinical trial led by researchers from across UTHealth Houston. Investigators from UTHealth Houston School of Public Health in Brownsville, UTHealth Houston Institute for Stroke and Cerebrovascular Diseases, and McWilliams…

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Renowned UTHealth Houston researcher discusses what 4,000-year-old mummies tell us about heart disease, and why it’s preventable | Newswise

Renowned UTHealth Houston researcher discusses what 4,000-year-old mummies tell us about heart disease, and why it’s preventable | Newswise

An unhealthy diet, lack of exercise, and smoking – considered to be a relatively recent societal curse – are all risk factors to heart disease. But if that is the case, did heart disease exist thousands of years ago? Renowned UTHealth Houston cardiologist Jagat Narula, MD, PhD, discussed what examining 4,000-year-old mummies and living hunter-gatherer…

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UTHealth Houston establishes Fetal Institute focused on clinical care, research discovery, and education to advance fetal medicine | Newswise

UTHealth Houston establishes Fetal Institute focused on clinical care, research discovery, and education to advance fetal medicine | Newswise

Five years after the first groundbreaking fetoscopic spina bifida repair surgery using an innovative patch pioneered by researchers at UTHealth Houston, the fetal medicine team is celebrating the more than 100 procedures performed by the physicians and the launch of the UTHealth Houston Fetal Institute. The one-of-a-kind patch, which uses donated cryopreserved umbilical cord to…

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Project to redesign clinical trials for neurologic conditions for underserved populations funded with .9M grant to UTHealth Houston | Newswise

Project to redesign clinical trials for neurologic conditions for underserved populations funded with $2.9M grant to UTHealth Houston | Newswise

In an effort to close the gap in neurological outcomes for underserved populations, a UTHealth Houston project funded with $2.9 million from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) will engage community partners to improve the design of clinical trials. Neurologic conditions including stroke, Parkinson’s disease, and vascular cognitive impairment and dementia contribute to the leading…

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