AUSTIN (KXAN) — Texas Agriculture Commissioner Sid Miller has sounded alarms regarding “unsolicited seed packages” showing up delivered at Texans doorsteps.
The actual sender of the packages is currently unknown, but many of these packages have been delivered from China, according to the Texas Department of Agriculture (TDA). The specifics regarding the contents of such packages are also being investigated, as well as the reasoning behind why these packages are being delivered.
“It concerns me that no one ordered these seeds,” Miller said. “I’m encouraging people to not open these packages.”
Miller emphasized if you or someone you know has received such a package, contact TDA immediately at (800) TELL-TDA. The contents of such packages will be destroyed at no cost to the recipient through “stream sterilization.”
“The immediate threat is to have invasive species come in, plant diseases or pests that come in with this product. Secondary, [it] could be some kind of biohazard,” Miller said. “We want to make sure that they don’t get planted and start out in our landscape and destroy our agriculture industry.”
Miller also mentioned such instances of these seed packages showing up has also happened in Florida and Washington State.
“I’ve notified the White House, intergovernmental relations, Homeland Security,” Miller said. “We’re working to make sure this this doesn’t get out of hand and stay on top of it.”