Update on historic church destroyed by fire

Update on historic church destroyed by fire

Update on historic church destroyed by fire

ALBANY, N.Y. (NEWS10) — “You know, this is a brand-new start for me,” said Bishop Avery Comithier of Elijah Missionary Church.

The saying goes, God works in mysterious ways and Comithier says his congregation has been growing since a fire destroyed his historic house of worship in November. “People that I haven’t seen or did not know, as far as Ravena New York, down south of Albany, they’ve been coming, and it’s been just amazing,” said the bishop.  

As he looks for a new permanent home for himself and his flock, the bishop is hopeful that items found in a time capsule in the cornerstone of the Second Avenue church will help him to continue the lord’s work. “If anybody recognizes or knows the value of these(coins), other than historical and date wise, if anybody knows the value or has knowledge of, I would love to hear from you,” said Comithier.

The bishop believes some of the coins might hold more value than originally thought. “These are the ones that they were interested in. I didn’t know, they were like three cents.”

Comithier says his group, Pastors on Patrol, the group of religious leaders that walk the streets of Albany’s South End with police officers to deter crime is also doing very well with the support of the Interim Police Chief, Brendan Cox. But he says he can’t do it alone.

“We’re not the only ones. Pastors on Patrol was like a piece of the puzzle. And if we can put that all together, I think our city will grow and our city will be better for it,” said the bishop.

Sunday church services will continue at the 4th Avenue location, for now. The bishop was able to recover some items from his previous altar that were saved from the fire. “We’re grateful this was saved in the fire. I was glad for that. This is for the water, and this is for the wine.” Comithier says he and his congregation are prepared saying, “We are ready and we’re excited. If you would like to come this Sunday to bring the New Year, this Sunday’s Mass is at 11:15 am. We will be here by ourselves the month of January.”

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