When my youngest son was born, I struggled with postpartum depression. I had four children under six years old and was completely overwhelmed. I managed to feed, nurture and enjoy my kids even though it was complete chaos and they ate a lot of cheese pizza from the Little Caesar’s across the street in those first few weeks.
When my youngest was 10 months old, I decided to join a gym. I had always been active and I needed something for me in my life. I couldn’t afford a spa day so my options were limited.
I decided to go to a club in my neighbourhood that was on top of a grocery store. They had an affordable childcare facility for clients and that meant my three younger kids would be looked after while I attended aerobics classes or lifted weights. It became such an essential part of my life and I made friends with other members and we were part of a beautiful community that encouraged each other. I avoided falling deep into depression because of this. I used to jump excitedly out of bed in the morning to get the kids ready and it put a massive pep in my step. I remember those days fondly.
I even hired a personal trainer and was very successful at meeting my fitness goals. The best thing about this gym was that it was women’s only.
As a hijab-wearing woman, I could exercise safely and comfortably without my hijab on and in exercise clothes I preferred. Everyone can feel self-conscious when working out, but having a women’s only space definitely put me at ease.
There’s a name for feeling insecure at a gym and it’s called gymtimidation and the data tells us it is experienced by women more than men.
A lot of women prefer women’s only spaces to avoid “gymtimidation”, sexual harassment or longer wait times for equipment. Many campuses across Canada (including University of British Columbia, University of Western Ontario, University of Toronto and Dalhousie University) offer women’s only fitness classes and/or swim times.

There are privately owned women’s only gyms that specialize in dance or movement — and those spaces are almost sacred.
There are gyms across Canada, including GoodLife Fitness and Lifetime Fitness, that offer women’s only spaces and so does Movati, a higher-end health club but there are different options. There are also gyms that offer women’s spaces but the facilities are moldy, too small and sometimes make women feel like an afterthought or that are closing down or reducing the women’s spaces.
I have spoken to a range of women with different age and racial backgrounds who confirm that having women’s only spaces has encouraged them to take a leap into the health and wellness world. One woman told me that her gym buddy was a survivor of sexual assault and only felt comfortable in gender-segregated exercise spaces.
I understand that companies may want to be dynamic and reinvent their image. New gyms can feature state-of-the-art facilities or bring new amenities like a recovery room, hydro massage, new training areas, or 24/7 access to members in the area.
But the reality is that women might want familiarity and a sense of community. There are some gyms that have content creation spaces with great lighting for social media posts but not everyone is thrilled about it. The last thing I want to do is be in the background of someone else’s video while I’m beet red from working out and sweating. It’s a matter of privacy for me.
WATCH | More girls than ever are playing sports:
Girls’ participation in sports is the highest it’s ever been, according to a new report from Canadian Women and Sport, but it is still slightly behind that of boys. Athletes and experts attribute that growth in part to more visibility of women’s professional sports in media and online.
People should have access to whatever they want. It’s fine if some want to wear makeup or post their workouts. But the reality is that we should also have choices. Women’s-only spaces aren’t about one’s faith, it’s about women who may want spaces that may be less intimidating and have the freedom to move, stretch, jump and run without self-consciousness. I want to be able to partake in classes without my body being gazed at or judged.
There are other options that are either very expensive or uncared for. Just having a women’s only space doesn’t mean a few cardio machines in a tiny room, it means fostering and committing to wellness and opportunity for growth and health.
I wouldn’t have been able to afford fancy gyms as a young mom that offer salt-water pools and smoothie bars. What I needed was a chance to be in a group exercise space, release stress and have fun. I would absolutely not want to do my kegel exercises and hip flexor stretches in a room full of men. I would have skipped it when it was necessary.
I hope there are still places where women feel valued enough to have choice in their fitness and wellness practice. If women want to work out in a hijab, in a messy high-bun, in a beautifully coiffed style or in a wig, it’s their choice and I hope it’s accessible.