Fifteen area high schools gather for Robot Rumble competition in Rolling Meadows

Fifteen area high schools gather for Robot Rumble competition in Rolling Meadows

  Weaponized automatons battle for supremacy during the Robot Rumble Saturday at Rolling Meadows High School. Brian Hill/ Using mechanical proxies, 15 high schools from across the region gathered in Rolling Meadows Saturday for a fierce competition in which violence and destruction were encouraged and rewarded. But it was the smoothly sinister Spatula from Prospect…

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Tourism growth boosting revenues for Northwest suburbs

Tourism growth boosting revenues for Northwest suburbs

Arlington Alfresco in downtown Arlington Heights and Meet Chicago Northwest’s regional Restaurant Week are among the ways the visitors bureau promotes the eateries and adjacent businesses in the eight suburbs it represents. Courtesy of Meet Chicago Northwest A 6.1% increase in overnight hotel stays helped bring in a quarter billion dollars of revenue to the…

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WINGS helps women, kids escape domestic violence

WINGS helps women, kids escape domestic violence

  WINGS Clinical Services Manager Megan Wiesner, left, and WINGS President and CEO Rebecca A. Darr in a counseling room at the suburban Foglia Family Resource Center. John Starks/ Domestic abuse traps thousands of Illinois residents in a cycle of violence that too often can seem endless. But Rolling Meadows-based WINGS aims to give victims…

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